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Achieve A Outdoor Appearance Safely Using The Best Outdoor Tanning Products

By Haywood Hunter

The preservation of youth has been a desire of men and women throughout time. While society has changed its opinion many times over the issue of what constitutes beauty, it currently defines healthy, vigorous people as trim, athletic and having a healthy hue. Getting that sought after skin tone safely requires control and the best outdoor tanning products.

Ironically the vast majority of cultures coveted skin that was not affected by solar exposure. Using the best outdoor tanning products of their time and considerable effort to remain indoors and covered, pale complexions were high fashion. It separated the higher classes from those who had to toil in the fields without benefit of the best outdoor tanning products.

Historically, this social stigma lent itself to extremes, with royal ladies using white makeup to exaggerate their paleness as the best outdoor tanning products were not very effective. Some even painted thin blue lines, representing veins, on their necks, foreheads and exposed chest area to represent royal blue blood showing through. Unfortunately, with no access to the best outdoor tanning products, much of this makeup contained either lead or mercury, both extremely hazardous to health.

Fortunately for all, this desire to remain pale and indoors eventually passed along with the giant hoop skirt and parasols. Women had enough of the cumbersome and stuffy restrictions of the previous ages, and began to make changes, as bikinis and plenty of the best outdoor tanning products proved. At about the middle of the last century, a popular female model got sunburned on vacation, and the resulting tan did the 1950 equivalent of going viral.

The entertainment industry also found a way to get people more active and most particularly, outside. The new fad was to be cool and nothing said that laid back style as well as the beach going lifestyle did. As for women, they were happy to shed old stereotypes, and new swimsuits showed they needed the best outdoor tanning products they could find.

Songs and movies kept coming, thrilling audiences to the unbridled, carefree lifestyle of the largely fictional crowd of beach living free spirits. The images of young men and women playing in the sand, their skin glistening with the best outdoor tanning products brought moviegoers to theaters in droves. It also propelled available and profitable tourism strategy selling all manner of surf toys and the best outdoor tanning products.

Soon, however, the imaginary utopia of surf and sun existence was intruded upon by the serious threat of disease. The continuous exposure to the ultraviolet rays brought a disturbing surge of incidence of skin cancer. Suddenly the idea of using the very best outdoor tanning products was less for vanity than for protection.

The beach culture has changed somewhat, now largely centered around expensive vacations for the rich on remote islands or exotic resorts, but it perseveres. For the young, there is the out-sized phenomenon of spring break that has taken over. In both cases however, the chic always carry plenty of the best outdoor tanning products they can buy.

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